Monday, September 24, 2012

License Exam: Clinical Practice

Clinical Theories and Interventions




Therapy / Counseling


Group Therapy

Behavioral Theory / Behaviorism (WATSON, SKINNER)

Behavioral Theory (Behaviorism) , Behaviorism , Behavior Therapy
We practice with human beings in their social environments, so this comment from one of the founding fathers of Behaviorism speaks volumes about the causes of human behavior, as well as methods we can employ to assist them in changing those very things that challenge them:
Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select -- doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors.         --John Watson, 1930
Behavioral theory is based on the belief  that our responses to environmental stimuli shapes our behaviors.  There are two major types of conditioning that produce behavior: Operant conditioning - a method of learning that occurs through rewards (reinforcements) and punishments for behavior, and Classical (Pavlovian or Respondent) Conditioning) where a stimulus is paired with a response to produce a behavior.  See also Behaviorism on Wikipedia
Major Thinkers in Behaviorism: Ivan Pavlov , B. F. Skinner , Edward Thorndike  John B. Watson , Clark Hull .

REBT / Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy  (ELLIS)

Family Therapy

Family Therapy
The family is a psychological unit, in which changes in one member affect other members and the family's functioning.  Therapy usually focuses on present problems and their practical solutions, in the context of its cultural beliefs.  Family therapy is inappropriate in circumstances where destructive behavior or abuse is present.  See also Family Therapy on Wikipedia

Types of family therapy: Family Systems (Bowen) , Experiential (Satir, Whitaker) , Narrative (Epston, White), Strategic (Haley, Madanes), Structural (Minuchin), Solution-Focused (de Shazer) , Psychodynamic (Scharff), Communications Model (Jackson, Haley), Feminist (Bern)

Reality Therapy (GLASSER)


Feminist Therapy (BEM, MILLER, BROWN, JORDAN)

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