Thursday, October 6, 2011

Financial Education: Helping You Help Others

NEFE’s Financial Workshop Kits

Helping You Help Others
This Web site was created to help you help others.
As a financial planning professional, social service expert, community volunteer and financial educator, one way you can help-is to provide assistance to your community on an ongoing, volunteer basis. You can help your community by helping those in need with their personal finances.
Sharing knowledge groups that have limited means—whether on your own, through public service agencies, or via charitable organizations—helps others learn to better manage their money and have the opportunity for a brighter future. And, you become a more integral part of the fabric of your neighborhood and community.
The National Endowment for Financial Education® (NEFE®) appreciates your dedication to your community and wants to make it easy for you to provide assistance to underserved groups on their financial well-being. To aid you, this Web site gives the materials to easily teach courses to a variety of groups.
For each audience, we provide a script/teaching plan with handouts, PowerPoint presentation, and related resources. All you need to do is download and print the materials and share your expertise and passion with others.

Downloadable Presentations

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